Saturday, June 6, 2009


Mike is teaching me how to golf.  After going a few times, I've decided golf is the most intense, competitive, frustrating sport...ever.  

Yet, in spite of the frustration, somehow I'm developing a desire to keep playing - the golf bug.  I've been reading Golf for Dummies, and I think the author says it best:

"It's maddening frustrating, crazy - and totally addictive.  When it becomes part of your life, you can barely imagine life without it."

Thanks Mike, for introducing me to this crazy sport :)


  1. Steph,
    You'll ave to teach me how to play! I have NEVER gone golfng and would love a lesson and an afternoon out!! Come on down to Vegas and we can all go!

    Love, Andrea

  2. Golfing with mike is probibly going to indroduce you to a side of mike you never knew or wanted to know! :)

  3. Steph! I'm going to buy you a sweet golfing outfit for your birthday.

  4. Hi Steph! I found your blog through Jessica's, like you told me. It looks like you guys had a blast on your honeymoon, and your wedding photos are soooo of the best jobs I have ever seen! It makes me want to get married again just for the pictures! :)

    It was fun to see you last week at the family shower. I look forward to getting to know you better! Check out our family blog, too. See you at the Adams reunion!
