Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Day in the City

Yesterday Mike and I went into the city and saw some of the touristy sites.  We had a picnic in the park, walked around the beautiful gardens, went and saw the infamous bridge, and drove down lombard street (the "crookedest" street).  It was a fabulous day.

Golden Gate Park

Golden Gate Bridge

Lombard Street


  1. Ah! Sounds so fun! I want to come visit. I miss you guys already. How is your job?

  2. looks like fun. San Fran is a blast!!!

  3. you guys are the cutest couple! that is so fun you guys get to spend the summer in cali. are you working for the same company you did last summer too?

  4. lol, i was just there! why not with you guys?! it looks like you are both loving it, and loving the newlywed life. i miss you dearly, and i hope you have a great summer out there. hopefully it's not always as foggy as it was in your pictures--it looks freezing!
