Saturday, June 4, 2011

two year anniversary!

May 8, 2009

For our two year anniversary we spent a long weekend down in Monterey. We stayed in a cute little inn right on the california coast. It was such a fun getaway, and only a 2 hour drive from the city. We had the best time, and will definitely be going back soon.

Getting fried in Santa Cruz

Golfing in Monterey

Sailing with Captain Christian!

Cannery Row

Pebble Beach


Best anniversary ever! I'm so glad I married Mike, he truly makes me the happiest ever.


  1. happy 2 year anniversary!! you guys make such a cute couple. and your anniversary trip looks like so much fun!

  2. So fun Steph!! Happy Anniversary! You two look so happy, and it looks like it was a wonderful weekend :)

  3. love you guys!!! Cant wait to see you in utah soon.
